Tuesday, August 30, 2011

diversified investments :Investment in Silver

diversified investments :Investment in Silver

It 'important to finally enjoy a breakout for real and I will do in foreign currency.
This product has not yet been divided into U.S. dollars in India, even if the breakout is a sign that it is time for U.S. investors to move their
I'm talking of course money.
Silver is trading at just under $ 20 an ounce, now I think could hit $ 50 per ounce in the presidential election of 2012, which represents a 150% move from here.
Clearly, the "white metal" may be an important profit center for your portfolio during these uncertain. Take a look at the strategies that I put together for you to pick it up.
Silver has been used as a store of value and currency for over 4,000 years of civilization has made in dollars Lydia in 600 BC, in 1980, beating the white metal, all-time high during the futile effort. I've been to the market. The incident caused a brief spike of money to make more than $ 47 per ounce price level would have been difficult to access and abuse in the near future. Even so, the goods, the money for investment will be interesting in the present time.
When investors think that they tend to think that it is cheaper than gold. It 'been a mistake. On the one hand, money is like gold in the investment of precious metals. However, there is a strong demand for the industry - from companies such as chip giant Intel Corp. (NASDAQ: INTC) was that the money they made for their industry.
And in this area, the shiny white metal, only the numbers add up. That the electrical conductivity of each element and the thermal conductivity of any metal to metallic silver, perfect for the production of solar cells, a number of metals is an important element in the development of renewable energy. select
The Bull of warning signs.Breakout in the history of money seems to be based on how - in India, in other words, the price of silver will start to make it work in terms of Indian rupees - but not in U.S. dollar terms as the Silver. the last one out and the fact that they do in foreign currency amounts to a warning sign that U.S. investors are betting their money in U.S. dollars.
Transfer pricing in India is what I call "invisible motion of the discovery price," the price increase in terms of Rupees to U.S. investors with a vision of what the market has other ideas -. - And watch the movements they do as a result of this idea.
In this case, investors in the inflation rate in India is a cause for concern. They see money as a solution.
In the past, money has proven to be a hedge against inflation, the price of other goods to serve as a store of value. In fact, the risk of currency reserves in the world today, the sovereign debt - Bond, money is ready to return to the roots. precious-metal/store-of-value. Gold is the "currency" without any risk of debt default.The fear of inflation in the money market sweep through India's economy of a country that allows the creation of new higher maximum. Meanwhile, the price of money in the U.S. market is showing signs of awakening.
The money is cheaper when priced in gold. This is because gold has already been established in the slightly higher price this year - even if the money failed to follow suit. The difference between the price of gold and silver, has attracted traders, some of the relatives, who may groped to make the trade as the ratio between gold and silver was quoted in ounces of silver.
In this type of commerce has the potential exists for a silver or gold to go up in price. Silver is trading at an average rate of 61 ounces of silver per ounce of gold. The current ratio is about 65 operations this will help us to know that money is relative to gold at current prices.
During the egg hunt for my money every time a ratio of less than 17 ounces, one ounce of gold.
(The end of 1980 for the transfer of the Brothers was probably the reason for not having the breakout price, --., at least not in terms of U.S. dollars, measured in rupees, the currency trade. An all time high.) .

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Russell launches ‘investment discipline’ ETF range

Russell launches ‘investment discipline’ ETF range

By Chris Flood
Published: May 19 2011 17:28 | Last updated: May 19 2011 17:28

Russell Investments marked its 75th anniversary as a financial services company by officially launching its exhange traded funds business with a family of “Investment Discipline” ETFs in New York on Thursday.
“Russell aims to provide ‘next-generation’ ETFs that expand beyond traditional market offerings,” said James Polisson, managing director of Russell’s global ETF business.
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The six new ETFs are designed to offer “focused, transparent and consistent exposure to US large-cap equities across six investment disciplines”.
The themes are aggressive growth, consistent growth, growth at a reasonable price, equity income, low price / earnings, and contrarian.
“We sought out the six most prevalent strategies that professional managers use to give investors access to actual investment approaches,” said Andy Arenberg, managing director of Russell’s global ETF distribution.
The indices the ETFs track are constructed from companies in the Russell 1000® Index.
Russell has built a dedicated ETF sales team and will be running advertisements on television and on the internet as well as in trade publications in a drive to promte its new venture.
Russell has also launched a new web-site with a range of analytical tools that allow investors to monitor how well the ETFs track their underlying benchmarks and how closely to net asset value they trade.
Mr Polisson said investors could expect further innovotive ETFs from Russell in the near future but would not be drawn on the details of any forthcoming product plans.
Russell already offers an ETF of ETFs (the Russell Equity ETF) which it acquired when it bought US One, a registered investment adviser and ETF provider, in January for an undisclosed sum.
A key factor behind the decision to buy US One was that Russell Investments also obtained a licence to launch active ETFs as part of the deal. This allowed Russell to neatly side-step the time consuming and potentially laborious process of seeking regulatory approval to launch active ETFs.
Mr Polisson said active ETFs were on Russell’s radar but declined to reveal any details about the company's plans in this area.
The Russell Investment Discipline ETFs all carry an annual management fee of 37 basis points

from - http://www.ft.com/

Saturday, August 20, 2011

diversified investments film and entertainment

Film production company, call and tell you which is the increased production of high quality, low-budget family film with actors who are willing to sacrifice their salaries for the good art always high.
Film is produced by the director. They are the first of his films have generated returns for investors, and 5-1 hours, and some of his films have won numerous awards including the Cannes Film Festival. He said that the stock market, independent films, cable television and video has increased the demand for movies that are "guaranteed" to get the money back. According to the prospectus of their money will be used in the production and distribution of films.
It turns out the fraud as a "producer" and "writers." They spent most of the funds raised, and then use a small amount for the production of low quality that can not be opened. profit, not to mention being released commercially.
We also sell more of their movies on an investment partnership, they claim to be diluting the interest of investors in the film and added Break - Even for the alliance.
Although the film was successful at the box office, financial backers usually the last to be reimbursed for their investment in the project.
Engineer boiler room, and decorate the gains made in television programming specific demographic. But the success of any business network that requires a rare combination of creative programming, the ability to access the cable system and the ability to attract viewers and advertisers.
"Investors have the potential to be alert for their money and the Grifters, gold glitz, and the songs are all related to the entertainment world," the Director of Consumer Protection of the FTC. said: "Unfortunately, the profits of the Titanic will be reserved for small investors or investor groups. Generally, people who know the area and taking a very cautious approach in investment and training."
Poll of the supporting documentation.
During the four years during the operation as one of the twelve JS Productions, which will invest approximately $ 390 thousand, with claims that he has the right to buy and sell advertising on cable television and radio stations.
He made a promise to investors, advertising agencies that pretend to be a preacher and has the right to be less than market value to purchase advertising space.
There were false profits from the contract, which has accused the New York advertising agency that had considered the evidence that the ad runs until it is paid. He fabricated documents, he and other investors for $ 3.2 million, said the contracts should be used to satisfy the debt.
Investors believed him, so they can continue to profit from their investment and prevent them from contacting law enforcement agencies that created fictitious documents that include:.

Contract with Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino, was entitled to 10% of revenue for the production of "Smoky Joe's Coffee Shop," more than $ 1.000 / week to book the show.
One-year contract with a major radio network to pay $ 7.500 to host a weekly weeknight, the four-hour radio network "Radio has been certified gold."
Contract and payment of $ 195.000 Nickelodeon be able to transmit 75-hour "Celebrity Roast Dean Martin," The program had to offer.
Sacred bond.
The bonds to finance the production of the film, supposedly the life of St. Patrick was sold to investors by the "Foundation" exclusively through the Internet, magazines, religious and personal delivery by mail.
They are offered in denominations of $ 1,000, $ 5,000 and $ 10,000 contracts, investments and interests in 10:55% per year, the maximum amount is $ 5.75 million to provide services. But they made only about $ 2.5 million.
They failed to disclose material facts such as risks associated with the inability of the issuer to redeem the bonds, transactions between the foundation and the principle of it is not at hand, or more importantly, none of the staff in advance. Experience in the development, production, direction, length film marketing, distribution, or functionality.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Gold Better Investment than Oil

Gold  Better Investment than Oil
We have heard a lot about oil prices flirting with new highs of $ 55/barrel and the price increases, respectively, at the gas pump. We heard that the dollar will weaken, making travel to Europe more expensive. But you hear very little about the precious metals used in real money: gold, as most people do not realize that these three investments in a thousand. To understand one, you need to know the others here, I analyze the situation of oil and gold.
A good background on the history of gold at the KitcoCasey Morgan Poliquin.
Both products have a special position with respect to the dollar. For most of our history, the value of the dollar, which has been designated by the government's intention to buy gold at a fixed price. Most investors are interested in the sources to know that the dollar was backed by physical gold reserves until 1971 that gold was in control during this period - the period known as the gold standard. When gold was removed as a backup for the dollar. However, increased over the past ten years, spiking bubble in 1980, from $ 800 per ounce.
Some information about gold, about 2,500 tons of metal that was dug in 2004 with a market value of $ 35B, unlike oil, which will put the body when consumed most of the gold mine had been. still around in one form or another - an inventory of 120,000 tons worth $ 1.6 trillion Day (to 32.15 thousand ounces troy / ton) is added to cause as little fluctuation in the amount of gold in existence for a good level for the metal.
The oil has a history that is similar in dollar value, so that it is sometimes called "black gold", because oil is traded internationally for a dollar, you could argue that the oil is. definers of the value of the dollar. Oil is, after all - the largest traded commodity used worldwide annual 30 billion barrels of oil cost about $ 50 for each year of $ 1.5 trillion market. The war in Iraq has affected prices and concerns about the limitations of the new supply will be discussed.
The United States imports 75% of oil, I have only 2% of world reserves, while 25% of world output growth in demand in Asia has stimulated the overall consumption of the world, even if the fields are being depleted. China's oil imports grew by 35% in the Middle East is owned 65% of the world's reserves and political problems in this area and in other oil-producing regions like Nigeria and Venezuela are as bad as ever state. All this combined to drive oil prices to record audio. The chart below shows the price of oil has now broken the old record on top of the 1980 $ 55 / barrel.
Pre - 1973 constant prices, reflects the time when the price is determined by long-term contracts - a squint at the golden point 1970, which shows that this is not a freely traded price. The volatility in the short-term forces, even after the dollar off the gold standard goods. I have overlap calculation shows the historical oil prices in dollars of today - the real prices of oil. I used the change in the PPI for finished goods prices, and the back. We pay $ 70 U.S. dollars in the currency of the company that is equal to the price of crude oil at $ 40 in 1980, when we look at oil prices in real terms after inflation is removed, it would be. surprising that this is a good oil to lower prices when the inflation of the dollar is a factor that my interpretation is not as high as it is. Became the basis of the decision is more severe than they were in 1980, I think oil will head higher over the next decade.

Thus, a long-term investment better than oil or gold. To get an opinion on this, I have the price of each in the table below. Crude oil is the right size and color on the left. You can see immediately that oil is rising in advance of gold over the past four years, even as gold rose. There are some points of interest along the way it is. Overall, we see a similar pattern for both prices. This is not surprising that a movement is driven not by fundamental changes in oil and gold. But the change in the fundamental value of the dollar. There are, of course, the impact of our separation - particularly for the oil spike was short, for Desert Storm in 1990 - but overall, they were less of a factor for the long term. Gold is moving to the closing low of $ 256/oz in 2001 to $ 430 in early 2005, but oil prices must go on.

To look closely at the oil relative to gold, I calculated the ratio of gold to oil in the table below. I used to draw a straight line to the average ratio of about 15 points just a couple of things to learn here. First, when gold was de - linked from the dollar into gold in front of the oil. In fact, one could say that is tied to oil that has kept the dollar's value is high.

Even gold is increased to obtain more oil. The main conclusion is that gold is cheap compared to the lowest level in history. My interpretation is that gold may increase more oil to return to more normal rates of 15, if that happens, gold is up to 15 times the recent oil price of $ 54 million or $ 800 / oz.
There are many drivers of these two political and financial, so I have to be careful that the ratio alone is only part of the story. The historical information presented here is not recommended. But the gold that might be a better investment than oil in the future. As you can see, in my opinion, I also believe that the oil still has many opportunities to increase the price in dollars. After driving both of these may be the growth of inflation pressure on the dollar. As Doug Casey has said that the dollar will eventually reach its intrinsic value, and both gold and oil will measure progress along the road to that end. And 'true depends on all of us to decide our own and to include much more than this report. But I hope that the gold is near record low against the oil is one of the more light that will help them understand us. Financial situation.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

diversified investments : Investment Consultant

The Investment Advisor is a professional with specific knowledge of financial markets and investment opportunities. Their role is to help its customers to invest money, if these clients are wealthy individuals or companies to invest profits. Consulting, investment allows investors to form a strategy and know the risks that will have their money.
For those who have to hire a consultant for investment and investment advisory services, the question of what was important. Customers want to understand how these experts get their money. The answer lies in the complexity of managing long-term market and the profitability of many investments to date.
The Investment Adviser is fundamentally different from the performance of intermediaries. As a professional mediator who simply transact business and investment for its customers. Mediators can be made at the request of a client if they are easy to purchase stock options, or more exotic transactions, investments The Investment Adviser is not over. It helps with the transaction.
The Investment Advisor is generally responsible for informing customers about the risks of any investment, especially in contrast with the potential payments. The Investment Advisor will allow customers to compare the risks of various investment opportunities. Investment advisors can help clients to diversify their holdings to reduce risk.

Investment Consultant

To help clients with investment advisers are often referred to long-term investment. These professionals take the time to help customers develop a plan that has the best ability to pay, regardless of market conditions or uncertainties. The Investment Adviser may also help to inform customers about the tax burden on investment in a particular order to help customers who use investment opportunities to reduce the tax burden and maximize the return on equity or return on investment.
Some investors question whether it is necessary to hire a consultant to the investment. Investors have their own philosophy about where they put their money. In general, investors will look at the fees or commissions are requested by a consultant for investment and the balance with the perceived value of the collaboration of professional fund managers are able to provide. For an investment adviser hired by the investors for them to become one of the tasks and responsibilities that they have an obligation to improve the profitability of their customers and others. It takes money for their own purposes.

Monday, August 8, 2011

China's investment risk

China's investment risk

United States have difficulty swallowing, is exported to China to build a super job in the West and widespread political unrest.

What can they think of China as a power plant with an investment or not.A securities lawyer Gao Xiqing, educated at Duke University, personifies the organization National Social Security Fund for the year of his contract with the manager for 10 west - including Pimco, T. Rowe Price, and UBS - to begin to invest about $ 38000000000 fund with assets outside China for the first time."You can not put all your eggs in one basket," Gao, Vice President of the Fund, said during an interview at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum, "Although China is a large basket" ..For most of the last 20 years, China and other countries are investing the savings they have accumulated through the sale of goods to the United States and Europe in their countries or activities become ultrasafe. insurance policy on the type of financial crisis that rocked Asia in 1990, that their needs are low. The yield on the safety of government bonds in the United States.However, changes in the financial environment has become a necessity before - to protect the heritage of safety - gives way to the desire to get a good return on what is in each measure. Then a series of financial resources.The result will likely be China and other emerging countries in Asia, as well as domestic production of oil up the price of financial assets in the West - and probably will. The political reaction in the process."These countries are about to cross the line of the newspaper, the risk of government bonds and the" currency chief economist Stephen Jen, Morgan Stanley said. "They will go where the big markets of the United States and Europe."Jane has written about the emergence of a "fund of wealth, sovereignty," in view of the fact that this amount of data is sometimes the pension funds in a vehicle, at times the investment of public official, and sometimes in the active central bank.By his calculations, the country - are concentrated in the Middle East and Asia - with $ 1400000000000 to get rid of them.What is what is agent accelerator and other economists point out an important piece of the world. 4900000000000 USD foreign exchange reserves is beginning to look a good return for the money to be received in the United States Treasury securities, a traditional stronghold. The central bank funds.According to the Bank for the settlement of the country from March 2000 to June 2005, the proportion of reserves held in the U. S. Treasury fell by 82.3 percent, 73.2, central banks have increased their holdings of bonds issued by the creditor. For example, Fannie Mae, and even blue chips."With the increase in reserves of central banks of developed countries has begun to re-think very hard about how to obtain high yields without the" Kenneth Rogoff, former chief economist of the International Monetary Fund said.There will also be a shortage of models of how to invest state money in the West, economists point out.Fund managed by the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and throughout the arm, Temasek, the Singapore government's investment of about $ 100 billion. Under the administration has moved to a model that attempts to return through a strong, professional management and risk calculations, often in collaboration with European and U.S. asset managers."We have carefully studied the model, Singapore," Gao said, she said, adding that China's pension fund investments to avoid the higher risks - especially hedge funds and private equity - for the next two years.The idea that China and other countries should seek higher returns on savings for their levels of support in the West, especially by Lawrence Summers, former secretary of U. S. Treasury and former president of Harvard University.Speaking at the World Economic Forum for the summer, the exchange reserves - now estimated at $ 1 trillion in China alone - are well beyond what the countries need to avert financial crisis.What is the largest non-profit American institutions such as Harvard, do not risk their endowments invested in reckless But still, as double-digit returns."And 'natural to ask whether the excess reserves of the national emerging markets should not be invested with the ambitions in this direction," Summer said.But the flood of Chinese coins, the reason that others will generate a lot of people react the same as before the flow of Chinese imports.Widespread public concern to bring Chinese oil company CNOOC to abandon controversial bid for rival Unocal, an American company in 2005.China pension fund biting U.S. stocks and bonds, as can be seen in the same light."To be seen by many people in the United States is losing the" Laura D 'Andrea Tyson, dean of London Business School, said that the tendency to call "the explosion of a policy" ..Gao, increased foreign investment in China to reflect the new economic reality, one that can be run by enlightened politicians. "The United States must depend on other countries in the future," he said.Growing interest among state institutions for people with different interests also have profound implications for Western financial markets.Until now, most of the investment strategy has focused on how the central bank funds and other large state is slowly spreading from the U.S. dollar may have put in the long run, the pressure drop on the money. dollarThe search for higher returns, although there may be upset, she and others have said that this calculation.If China or the Middle East, central banks, pension funds are diversified with the purchase of high quality corporate bonds in the United States will increase the demand for money, rather than to delay it, he said.Eventually, financial markets - currencies, stocks and bonds - will end is difficult to predict."It 'very important for us to have an idea of ​​how the assets of the United States as a central bank can diversify their reserves," Suhail Dada, Head of the Middle East for investment management. Pacific, better known as Pimco, said.


Friday, August 5, 2011

Investment Property Analysis in usa

Investment Property Analysis in usa
While every effort should be invested to buy the property to us. This is the place to buy and maintain, and tend to generate income through rent. This is a short primer on how to view the investment property. This is a typical example, and shareholders who have to look at other factors. However, this will give you the basics on how to start the analysis of real estate for investment purposes.
The first thing that is often asked to talk about real estate investment is that it is an opportunity to "cash." But is not what it actually means something. How can you compare the investment in one place to another in a significant way any of several levels deep looking for investment real estate, and therefore the more we go into it the better you'll understand. value
Gross rent multiplier. Vacancy Rate caps. Cash Payment

Gross rent multiplier.
Let's start with revenue. Property investment would generate an income, usually in the form of rent. To make things simple and to compare our features to make the expected annual income The total annual rent is serious. This is called the gross income for a specified period of time, because the investment is always rented. Many investors looking for rent, in relation to the total price will be the gross rent multiplier ratio. (GRM), if you divide the value or price of property leased by that you are refining. Let's create an example of a $ 100,000 house rental is $ 1,000 per month or $ 12,000 per year.
GRM = price / rent, as planned.
8.33 = $ 100,000 / $ 12,000.
Now you can compare this to other qualifications in marketing and sales, and refining as well as the relationship between price and yield for investors in other words, when the multiplier is lower than possible. The amount of the fee for each value. This should mean a higher rate of return of income. However, this is actually a "rule of thumb" to the property, because it does not take into account the full reality of investment. For example, you might not receive the full rent due to vacancies. Stable alternative to rent may stay longer with less turnover in the vicinity of a challenge. The costs may be higher when there are many others. (Changes in the rent), which does not take into account the cost of ownership. I suggest a more detailed analysis.
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Of course, all properties will experience some of the holiday. The tenant moved, and may take some time to find new ones. Most markets have an average space. So, should we think that we will live at least one overtime rate. Total revenue minus the rate of job that will allow you to effectively continue with our rented house, imagine the price of $ 100,000 and $ 1,000 per month / $ 12,000 a year lease if the space is 5% then. deduct 5% of $ 12,000 or $ 600 for rent, holiday gross of $ 11,400 a performance.
Now we need to look at the cost iare utilities, maintenance, taxes, insurance, advertising and management costs. Many investors have ignored the costs of such new roof calcuations them because they occur frequently or not to acquire the assets created and think "there is no maintenance of the lot." But the roof or exterior painting or repair of roads that are all things that eventually happen, and therefore should be included in this comparison. This brings up a reserve for depreciation or reserve fund. The new roof will cost $ 4,000 every 20 years, then you should be awarded on an annual basis or as 1/20th the cost. When you are going to be convenient to take profits. This figure is more important thatn the total revenues. In some cases, the tenant can pay a fraction of the cost as part of their rents, especially in commercial real estate. Some properties will cost more than others, so it's only after you take the costs you can not really compare.
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RATE Cap:.
This brings us to the next level of comparison, the rate of capital (CAP), most investors would do well to look at the PAC as a minimum standard to compare CAP rate investment into profit. Net income divided by the price (or value), the PAC can also be used to compare real estate investment to other investments such as bank account or mutual fund.
CAP RATE = earnings / price.
6.4% = $ 11,600 / $ 100,000.
This method is the same as saying that if I buy property in cash, I would like to return $ 6,400 a year by 6.4% to $ 100,000 I kept in mind, we are not looking for a house that will go up. the value of what kind of income it produces, and then we can compare to other investments, if I can get 6.4% of the bank at risk and without problems, so that investment can really do well. The structure has higher rates of CAP, or I could hope that the market will rise, let me go in exchange for the risk or cost or where it may alos my stock. Thant might be higher than expected.
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But we did not. Most of us have to borrow money to buy property. Banks charge you interest. If we take the annual cost of serviving our debt (mortgage payments) and it remains our actual cash flow. If your loan interest rate is higher than the rate cap, then we have to borrow money at a higher cost of our investment products. As part of our return is going to go to the bank instead of us. If the interest rate on our loans is less than the rate cap, then we will do some people use the borrowed money. Cash in, cash is back in the capital of fact, if we put 30% in our example, our investment is $ 30,000, and we borrow $ 70,000 (we simplify this and do not understand. Closing costs, which should be included in a real life example), if the interest rate is 7% of the loan and its amortization of 30 years, the monthly payments will be $ 465.71 or $ 5,589 a year for a profit. net is $ 6400 for a net cash flow after payment of a $ 811 a year, is what you get every year, to invest $ 30 000 cash, cash flow will be expressed as a percentage. Our money, divided by cash investments.
Cash payment in cash = cash / investments.
2.7% = $ 811 / $ 30,000.
There are other factors that are not covered in the guidelines provided. Including some of your loan, you pay your principle, which is actually part of your resume. Secondly, there may be a much better tax advantages that may increase yields. This must be watched with the tax professional. Finally, we need to look at the potential for appreciation.
The first characteristic is the basis for a hat, if you compare the characteristics of a true estimate of the fee and the cost to get on the road to the understanding of the relative merits of any investment. properties.